I hope everyone had a good semester overall. I know I've had a busy one.
Naturally has accomplished a lot this semester, from the garden to the recycling. The garden looked so great although I think Kent took all the veggies since I'm pretty sure no one had anytime for a dinner during our last few weeks.
I think as we go back next semester, our job will be to rake up everything and think about the new garden. I have been thinking, maybe a junior can run the garden next year to get a head start for next year. Because one of the mistakes from last year is that I didn't get anything from my seniors as to what to do or anything. Basically they threw me in to an exec position. So possibly if a junior takes over the garden, it will position Naturally to become an official club for Fall 2011. I mean every school needs an environmental club right?
Recycling wise McConnell has been doing awesome as always. The only thing is that people keep putting cardboard in a paper bin so I'm thinking I'll add a sign reminding everyone cardboard goes outside.
My Eco Rep project will probably be to add plastic bag recycling bins at the end of every hall. That will probably happen early in the semester.... or maybe after my Feb 3rd deadlines. I will also be looking in to more community service projects and such.
Anyway, I do hope everyone has a wonderful break and happy holidays. (:
I'll see you in January.